I hereby apply for REALTOR® Membership in the Laramie Board of REALTORS®.

Initiation Fees and Dues: Enclosed is payment in the amount of $                         for my one- time initiation fee and $                     for my prorated membership dues payable directly to the Laramie Board of REALTORS®.

Qualifications for Membership. I understand that membership brings certain privileges and obligations that require compliance, including the following:

I will attend orientation within 180 days of the Association confirming my membership. Failure to meet this requirement may result in having my membership terminated.

Membership in the Association necessarily means that I am also a member of the State Association and National Association of REALTORS® and I agree to abide by the Code of Ethics of the National Association, which includes the duty to arbitrate (or to mediate if required by the association), as well as the Constitution, Bylaws and Rules and Regulations of the Association, the State Association and the National Association. Further, if required, I agree to satisfactorily complete the periodic Code of Ethics training and a reasonable and non-discriminatory written examination on such Code, Constitutions, Bylaws and Rules and Regulations.

I acknowledge that as a member of the Association, I will be licensed to use the REALTOR® trademarks to indicate such membership, and I agree to abide by the rules governing use of those trademarks. I understand that REALTOR® is a federally registered trademark of the National Association and use of this designation is subject to rules promulgated by the National Association. Upon termination of my membership in the Association for any reason, my license to use the term REALTOR® is automatically revoked and I will immediately discontinue use of the term REALTOR® and all REALTOR® trademarks.

Membership is final only upon approval by the Board of Directors and may be revoked should completion of any membership requirement, such as orientation, not be completed within the timeframe established in the A


NOTE: The duty to submit to an ethics complaint continues in effect even after membership lapses or is terminated. Any ensuing discipline will be held in abeyance until such time as the respondent rejoins an association of REALTORS® (see Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual, Section 20(e)). The duty to submit to arbitration continues in effect even after membership lapses or is terminated, provided the dispute arose while the former member was a REALTOR®.



Contact Information:
First Name Middle Name
Last Name Suffix      Jr,       III,      Sr,                 Etc.
Nickname (DBA):
Home Address:



City: State: Zip:
Home Phone: Cell Phone:
Primary E-mail: Secondary E-mail:
May the Association, as well as the State and the National

Associations, communicate with you via text message?

Yes No
License Information:
 License #
State of Licensure: Appraisal License #
Do you hold, or have you ever held, a real estate license in any other state? Yes No
If so, where:


Company Information:
Office Name:
Office Address:
Office Phone: Fax:
Company Type:        Sole Proprietor         Partnership         Corporation         LLC (Limited Liability
Company)         Other, specify
Your position:       Principal         Partner         Corporate Officer         Majority Shareholder
Branch Office Manager         Non-principal Licensee         Other
Names of other Partners/Officers of your firm:
Is the office address provided above your principal place of business?        Yes         No
If not, or if you have a branch office, please provide that address:
City: State: Zip:


Preferred Mailing/Contact Information:
Preferred Phone: Home       Office      Cell
Preferred E-mail: Primary E-mail         Secondary E-mail
Preferred Mailing: Home         Office         Office Mail Alternate Member Mail Alternate
Mail Publications to: Home         Office        Office Mail Alternate Member Mail Alternate
Office Mailing Alternate:



City: State: Zip:
Member Mailing Alternate:
City: State: Zip:


Applicant Information:
Do you acknowledge that your use of the REALTOR® trademarks must comply with the National emark rules?1        Yes   No
Are you currently a member of any other Association of REALTORS®?        Yes No
If yes, name of


Type of

membership held:

Have you previously held membership in any other Association of REALTORS®? Yes No
If yes, name of


Type of membership


Do you have any unsatisfied discipline pending for violation of the Code of Ethics ?2 Yes No
If yes, provide


If you are now or have been a REALTOR® member before, please provide the information below.
Previous NAR

membership (NRDS) #

Code of Ethics training requirement:

1 The term REALTOR® is a federally registered collective membership mark which identifies a real estate professional who is a member of the National Association and subscribes to its strict Code of Ethics.  Trademark Rules are set forth in the Membership Marks Manual, available at:

2 Article IV, Section 2, of the NAR Bylaws prohibits Member Boards from knowingly granting REALTOR® or REALTOR- ASSOCIATE® membership to any applicant who has an unfulfilled sanction pending which was imposed by another association of REALTORS® for violation of the Code of Ethics. (Adopted 1/01)



Have you ever been refused membership in any other Association of REALTORS®? Yes No
If yes, state the basis for each such refusal and detail the circumstances related thereto:
Do you have any record of civil judgments imposed within the past seven (7) years involving judgments of civil rights laws, real estate license laws, or other laws prohibiting unprofessional conduct rendered by the courts or other lawful authorities?           Yes No
If yes,

provide details:

Do you have a record of criminal conviction(s) within the past seven (7) years?                                                                                                                                      Yes No
If yes, provide






Additional Optional Applicant Information
Have you been found in violation of the Code of Ethics or other membership duties in any Association of
REALTORS® in the past three (3) years?                                                                          Yes No
If yes, provide details.
Are there pending ethics complaints against you? Yes No
If yes, provide details.
Do you have any unsatisfied discipline pending ? Yes No
If yes, provide details.
Are you a party to pending arbitration request? Yes No
If yes, provide details.
Do you have any unpaid arbitration awards or unpaid financial obligations to another association of

REALTORS® or an Association MLS?       Yes         No



If yes, provide details.


I hereby certify that the foregoing information furnished by me is true and correct, and I agree that failure to provide complete and accurate information as requested, or any misstatement of fact, shall be grounds for revocation of my membership if granted. I further agree that, if accepted for membership in the Association, I shall pay the fees and dues as from time to time established. NOTE: Payments to the Association of REALTORS® are not deductible as charitable contributions. Such payments may, however, be deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense. No refunds.


By signing below, I consent that the REALTOR® Associations (local, state, national) and their subsidiaries, if any (e.g., MLS, Foundation) may contact me at the specified address, telephone numbers, fax numbers, email address or other means of communication available. This consent applies to changes in contact information that may be provided by me to the Association(s) in the future. This consent recognizes that certain state and federal laws may place limits on communications that I am waiving to receive all communications as part of my membership.


Dated:                                                             Signature:                                                                               


Broker Information
Real Estate Company
Broker Signature
Broker Name (Print)





Information to be supplied by Local Association

Join Date:
Status:        Active         Provisional
Primary Local Association NRDS ID #
Primary State Association NRDS ID #
Office ID:
(If broker)
Office Contact (Designated REALTOR®)
Office Contact Manager:
Number of Non-Member Licensees:




For MLS access by non-principal broker REALTORS®, sales licensees, appraisers and others authorized to have access published by the MLS.




(Last name, first name, middle initial of Participant)



NRDS #:                                                                      WY License/Certificate#:                                



Home address:                                                                                                                                   (Street address or Post Office Box)


(City, State, Zip)



Home Phone#:                                                 Cell Phone#:                                                                           _ Email address:                                                                                                                                                            Office Name:                                                                                                                                    Web address:                                                                                                                                  

Primary Board:                                                                                                                              



I acknowledge that access to and use of the Cooperative Listing Service of Laramie’s MLS information is contingent on compliance with all Bylaws, Rules and Regulations and other obligations including payment of fees.




Signature of Participant                                                         Date










MLS Service of Laramie REALTOR® Participant Agreement                                       Page Two


I agree as a condition of participation in the MLS of the Laramie Board of REALTORS® to abide by all Bylaws, Rules and Regulations and other obligations of the participation including payment of fees.

I confirm that I currently and will on a continual and ongoing basis in the operation of my real estate business activities, actively endeavor to list real property of the type filed with the MLS and/or accept offers of cooperation and compensation made by other Participants through the MLS.

I agree that l must continue to engage in such activities during my participation in the


I acknowledge that failure to abide by these conditions of participation on an ongoing basis may result in potential suspension or termination of MLS participatory rights after a hearing in accordance with the MLS’s established procedures.

I further agree to be bound by the Code of Ethics including the obligation to submit to ethics hearings and the duty to arbitrate contractual disputes with other REALTORS” in accordance with the established procedures of the Laramie Board.

I understand that a violation of the Code of Ethics may result in termination of my MLS privileges in the MLS of the Laramie Board of REALTORS®, and that I may be assessed an administrative processing fee which may be in addition to any discipline, including fines, that may be imposed.





Signature of Participant                                                                     Date































DisplayKEY and eKEY Basic Software Sub-Lease/License Agreement



This Sub-Lease/License Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on                                                            , 20 by and between                                                                                                                (“Keyholder”), and The Laramie Board of REALTORS® (“Organization”) covering the following:


DisplayKEY (Serial #                                                  ) or


eKEY Basic Software (Serial #                                                  ).



Keyholder and Organization agree as follows:



  1. If Keyholder has selected the DisplayKEY and the DisplayKEY Cradle (collectively the “DisplayKEY”), Organization leases to Keyholder, and Keyholder leases from Organization, the DisplayKEY (which may be new or refurbished). In addition, Organization grants to Keyholder (i) a limited non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable sub-license to use the network, the use of which Organization licenses from UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, Inc. (“UTCFS”), which is necessary for the use and operation of the DisplayKEY (the “Network”) for the Term (as defined in Section 3 below) and (ii) a limited, non-exclusive, nontransferable, revocable sub-license to use the software Organization licenses from UTCFS (the “Software”) for the Term. The equipment and software incorporated in the DisplayKEY enable the Keyholder to obtain a current update code for the DisplayKEY; to open and perform other iBox functions with the DisplayKEY; and to upload property-showing data with the DisplayKEY.
  2. eKEY Basic Software. If Keyholder has selected the eKEY Basic Software (the “eKEY”), Organization grants to Keyholder, a limited non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable sub-license for the Term to use such software. In addition, Organization grants to Keyholder a limited non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable sub-license to use the Network, the use of which Organization licenses from UTCFS, which is necessary for the use and operation of the eKEY for the Term. The eKEY enables Keyholder to obtain a current update code for the eKEY; to open and perform other iBox functions with the eKEY; and to upload property showing data with the eKEY. The eKEY Basic Software is used with certain electronic devices including certain cellular telephones (“Phone”) approved by UTCFS. During the Term, UTCFS may in its sole discretion approve additional Phones. UTCFS does not provide any warranty of the performance of such Phones.
  3. iBoxes. If applicable, Organization leases to Keyholder for the Term, and Keyholder agrees to lease, In addition, Organization grants to Keyholder (i) a limited non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable sub-license to use the Network, which is necessary for the use and operation of the iBoxes for the Term and (ii) a limited, non-exclusive, nontransferable, revocable sub- license to use the software Organization licenses from UTCFS for the Term.

2.     SERVICE

  1. The software incorporated in the DisplayKEYs, eKEY Basic Software, iBoxes (if applicable), Network, and eSYNC Software (collectively, “Software”); the equipment incorporated in the DisplayKEYs and iBoxes (if applicable), (collectively, “Equipment”); Network; and KIM Database are collectively, “Service.” The Service is more fully described in the applicable User’s Guide, which will be provided to Keyholder in conjunction with the Software and is incorporated herein by reference.
  2. Keyholder understands that, in order to make the Service available to Keyholder, Organization and UTCFS entered into a Master Agreement that provides the terms under which UTCFS will provide the Service to Organization. Keyholder understands that, if the Master Agreement is terminated for any reason during the Term of this Agreement, the Service will no longer be available to Keyholder and this Agreement will terminate in accordance with Section 12 below. Keyholder agrees that, under the terms of the Master Agreement, Organization may elect a different Service or choose to upgrade the Service at any time during the Term of this Agreement, which may result in an increase of the System Fee (as defined in Section 4(a) below) and/or the termination of this Agreement. Except as the rights and obligations of Keyholder and Organization under this Agreement may be affected as described in the two preceding sentences, the rights and obligations between Keyholder and Organization with respect to the Service are governed solely by the terms and conditions of this Keyholder understands that failure of Organization to perform its obligations under the Master Agreement may detrimentally affect Keyholder’s use of the Service.
  3. In the Master Agreement, UTCFS has reserved the right to discontinue any item of Equipment used in connection with the Service upon the provision of one (1) year prior written notice to Organization. If UTCFS discontinues any item of Equipment, the Equipment leased hereunder shall continue to be completely compatible with and shall function with the Service. If the Equipment leased is lost, destroyed or damaged, Organization may replace that Equipment with refurbished Equipment (“Replacement”), which shall be completely compatible with and shall function with the Service, and shall offer the same level of functionality as the Equipment currently offered.
  4. Keyholder agrees to comply with the Rules and Regulations relating to the use of the Service which are set forth in the User’s Guide and the Rules and Regulations of Organization and/or its MLS system. By executing this Agreement, Keyholder agrees to maintain the security of the personal identification number of each piece of Equipment to prevent the use of the


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Equipment by unauthorized persons. Keyholder further agrees that neither the Service, nor any other UTCFS product used in connection with the Service (including the Equipment), is a security system. The Service is a marketing convenience key-control system, and as such, any loss of Equipment or disclosure of personal identification numbers compromises the integrity of the Service, and Keyholder agrees to use her or his best efforts to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of all components of the Service.

  1. TERM This Agreement shall commence on the date set forth above and have a term (“Term”) until March 26, 2018, unless terminated earlier or extended pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement.



  2. Keyholder shall pay the System Fee determined by the Organization upon entering this Agreement and shall pay the System Fee for all subsequent years as directed by the Organization.
  3. The Organization reserves the right to: i) increase the System Fee annually, ii) charge a key activation fee, iii) charge a late fee for any System Fee that is not paid as directed by the Organization, and iv) charge a fee for any payment that is returned unpaid or for insufficient funds or credit.
  1. TITLE AND USE The Service, including all its components, and the Equipment (except iBoxes), are and shall at all times remain the property of UTCFS. All additions and upgrades to the Software shall become part of the Software and shall, without further act, become the property of UTCFS. The Software and all applicable rights in patents, copyrights, trade secrets, and trademarks, are and shall at all times remain the property of UTCFS.


  1. No loss, damage or destruction to the Equipment shall relieve Keyholder of any obligation under this Agreement, except to the extent any such loss, damage or destruction is directly caused by the negligence of Organization. The cost for replacing any Equipment that is lost, damaged or destroyed and the damages to be paid by Keyholder for failing to return the Equipment upon termination of this Agreement is: DisplayKEY – $150.00; DisplayKEY Cradle – $99.00. Replacements may be refurbished
  2. At the expiration of the Term, Keyholder, at Keyholder’s expense and risk, shall immediately return or cause the return to Organization to such location as Organization shall specify, the DisplayKEY and all Software and any components included within the Service that have been leased or licensed to Keyholder pursuant to this Agreement. The DisplayKEY and components used in connection with the Service shall be returned in good condition, repair and working order, ordinary wear and tear excepted.
  1. REPRESENTATIONS AND COVENANTS Keyholder covenants and agrees:
    1. If Keyholder misuses the Service or any component thereof, including without limitation, use of the Service in violation of the User’s Guide, and a third party brings an action against Organization and/or UTCFS relating to such misuse, Keyholder agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Organization and/or UTCFS, and their respective directors, officers, agents, representatives, employees, successors and assigns, from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, losses, damages, injuries, obligations, liabilities and costs and expenses of every kind or nature (including reasonable attorneys’ fees, whether incurred at the trial or appellate level, in an arbitration proceeding, in bankruptcy, including without limitation, any adversary proceeding, contested matter or motion or otherwise) incurred by Organization and/or UTCFS in such proceeding.
    2. That neither Organization nor UTCFS shall be liable for any compensatory, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive, reliance or special damages, including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, advantage, savings or revenues of any kind or increased cost of operations, arising out of the use or inability to use the Service for any purpose whatsoever whether or not Keyholder has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
    3. That Keyholder will not (i) use or gain access to the source code for the Software; (ii) alter, reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, de-compile, disassemble or prepare derivative works based upon the Software; or (iii) provide or otherwise make available the Software or any part or copies thereof to any third party.
    4. To provide Organization and UTCFS with written notice of any legal proceeding or arbitration in which Keyholder is named as a defendant and that alleges defects in the Equipment within five (5) days after Keyholder receives written notice of such action.

The obligations set forth in this Section shall survive termination of this Agreement.

8.     DEFAULT

  1. Each of the following events shall be an Event of Default by Keyholder under this Agreement:
    1. Keyholder’s failure to pay, for any reason, any amount required under this Agreement within fifteen (15) days after the date that such payment is due; or
    2. The commencement of either an involuntary or voluntary action under any bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law of the United States of America or any state thereof or of any other country or jurisdiction with respect to Keyholder; provided, however, that the commencement of any involuntary case or proceeding will not be an Event of Default under this Agreement if such case or proceeding is dismissed within sixty (60) days after it was commenced.
  2. An Event of Default by Organization under this Agreement will occur upon the termination for any reason of the Master



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  1. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default by Keyholder, Organization may, at its sole option and without limitation or election as to other remedies available under this Agreement or at law or in equity, exercise one or more of the following remedies:
    1. Terminate this Agreement and demand the return of any Equipment and Software to Organization;
    2. Terminate one or both of Keyholder’s sub-licenses to use the Network and to use the Software;
  • Direct UTCFS to deactivate Keyholder’s access to the Service or any component of the Service;
  1. Bill the Keyholder for any outstanding amounts owed under this Agreement, including any applicable liquidated damages for the failure to return the Equipment; and/or
  2. Take any and all actions necessary to collect all amounts currently due and owing under this Agreement, including any and all costs and expenses of every kind or nature (including reasonable attorneys’ fees, whether incurred at the trial or appellate level, in an arbitration proceeding, or in bankruptcy, including any adversary proceeding, contested matter or motion, or otherwise) incurred by Organization in connection with the exercise of its rights and remedies under this Agreement.
  1. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default by Organization or termination of this Agreement, all of Keyholder’s obligations under this Agreement shall terminate, except that Keyholder shall be required to return the Equipment and Software to Organization and to pay Organization any outstanding amounts owed under this Agreement, including any damages for the failure to return the Equipment and Software.
  2. If Organization deactivates the Service because of a default by Keyholder under this Agreement, but does not otherwise terminate this Agreement, Keyholder will be entitled to seek to have the Service reactivated. In order to so, Keyholder shall be required to cure any and all existing defaults, and to pay any and all outstanding amounts owed under this Agreement and the reasonable costs and attorneys’ fees incurred by Organization in connection with collecting under this Agreement. After confirmation of the curing of such defaults and the receipt of payment of such amounts, Organization shall direct UTCFS to reactivate the Equipment within twenty-four (24) hours.
  3. In the event that Organization institutes any action for the collection of amounts due and payable hereunder, Keyholder shall pay, in addition to the amounts due and payable under this Agreement, all reasonable costs and attorneys fees incurred by Organization in connection with collecting under this Agreement. Keyholder expressly waives all rights to possession or use of the Service or the Equipment or any component thereof after the occurrence of an Event of Default, and waives all claims or losses caused by or related to any repossession or termination of use.
  4. Organization’s failure or delay in exercising any right or remedy under this Agreement shall not operate as a waiver thereof or of any subsequent breach or of such right or remedy. Organization’s rights and remedies are cumulative, not exclusive, and no exercise of any remedy shall preclude the exercise of another remedy.


  1. ARBITRATION; LITIGATION Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be resolved by binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association or such other rules as may be agreed to by the parties. The arbitration shall be conducted in a location mutually agreed to by the parties. If the parties, following good-faith diligent efforts, fail to agree on the location of the arbitration within thirty (30) days after either party requests arbitration, the arbitration shall be conducted in Laramie, Wyoming; provided that either party shall be entitled to participate in such arbitration by video conference or teleconference. The substantially prevailing party in any arbitration under this Agreement shall be entitled to recover from the other as part of the arbitration award reasonable costs and attorney’s fees. Any arbitration award may be enforced by a court of competent jurisdiction in accordance with applicable law. In the event that legal action to enforce the arbitration award is necessary, the substantially prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its reasonable costs and attorney’s fees in such action or any appeals.
  2. NOTICES All notices hereunder shall be sent by (i) hand-delivery, (ii) facsimile, (iii) certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, or (iv) overnight delivery service, to the party being notified at its address set forth in the signature block of this Agreement, or to such other address as a party shall subsequently specify to the other party in writing. Notices shall be deemed to have been delivered when received, if hand-delivered or sent by facsimile or certified mail, three (3) days after the day deposited in the mail; or one (1) day after the day deposited with an overnight delivery service.



  1. Keyholder may terminate this Agreement at any time by returning the Equipment and Software to Organization and paying Organization any amounts owing prior to such termination, including (i) any applicable damages for the failure to return the Equipment and Software as set forth in Section 6(a) hereof, and (ii) any System Fees owing prior to such termination which remain unpaid. Upon termination, System Fees that would have become owing after the date of termination of this Agreement are released and discharged by Organization.
  2. Organization may terminate this Agreement upon termination of the Master Agreement for any reason, including without limitation, a default by Organization under the Master Agreement or an upgrade of the Service by Organization. Upon termination, Keyholder shall be obligated to satisfy the obligations in Section 12(a).
  3. In the event that Keyholder fails to return all Equipment leased to Keyholder upon termination of this Agreement or at the expiration of the Term, Keyholder acknowledges that it is impractical and difficult to assess actual damages to Organization, and therefore agrees to pay to Organization, as liquidated damages for such failure to return the Equipment, the amount set forth in Section 6(a).
  4. In addition, Keyholder shall not be entitled to any refund of any unused portion of the System Fee for use of the Service previously paid.
  1. WARRANTY The Equipment and Software are warranted by UTCFS against defects in workmanship and/or materials, to be fit for the intended purpose and to conform in all material respects to its written specifications for the term of the UTCFS shall, without charge, repair or replace such defective or nonconforming component for the term of the Agreement. Keyholder must return any defective system component under warranty to Organization at Keyholder’s sole cost and expense and Organization shall provide all repaired or replacement Equipment to Keyholder. This warranty does not extend to any damage caused by



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accident, abuse, neglect or misuse of system components. Keyholder agrees to cooperate with Organization and UTCFS by performing diagnostic tests provided to Keyholder when Keyholder initially seeks warranty service.



  1. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Organization and Keyholder relating to the Agreement of Equipment and use of the Service.
  2. Provided that Keyholder has returned to Organization all keys previously leased by Organization to Keyholder, all prior leases between Organization and Keyholder for such keys are terminated effective as of the parties’ execution of this Agreement.
  3. This Agreement shall be effective and binding when fully executed by both This Agreement may be executed in a number of counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original and when taken together shall constitute one agreement.
  4. This Agreement shall be amended only by a written agreement signed by the
  5. Any waiver or consent by any party to any breach by the other, whether express or implied, shall not constitute a consent to or waiver of any other or subsequent breach.
  6. All agreements, representations and warranties contained in this Agreement shall survive the expiration or other termination of this Agreement.
  7. If any provision of this Agreement is unenforceable, such unenforceability shall not affect the enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement.
  8. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of
  9. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of Organization, and its successors and assigns, and Keyholder and its permitted successors and assigns.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this to be duly executed as of the date set forth in the preamble.



KEYHOLDER:                                                                                      ORGANIZATION:



By:                                                                                                        By:                                                                                      














City, State
































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